Company History
Law's Custom Painting has been providing residents and business owners of Yuba/Sutter area with high quality painting and wood-finishing services since it's inception in 1994.
Owner/operator, Jon Law, had been painting for approximately ten years prior to launching this company. His goals were to provide custom painting services to the community which would be of premium quality at affordable prices. The company's personal positive image slogan is "Yuba-Sutter: Painting a brighter future!" A resident since 1970, Jon is committed to promoting the growth and welfare of our community well into the 21st century and beyond.
Jon's youngest son Jonny grew up in the business and has recently moved into a management position. He does estimating as well and has garnered many positive reviews on his personality and knowledge.
About the Owner
Name: Jon Law
Family: Wife Karmen, four children, eleven grandchildren.
City of residence: Yuba City
Occupation: Painting contractor by day; stand-up comedian by night.
What is your favorite part of the job? Meeting people.
Hobbies, interests: Comedy, hiking, reading, shooting, hot rodding, motorcycling, quadding, photography, writing, marketing, acting and sleeping.
What brought you to the Yuba-Sutter area? Dad moved us here in 1970 for his counseling job at Yuba City High School.
Where would you like to live someday? I would like to live in Texas, because I heard everything is big there.
If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for? That more people would experience the love, joy, and peace of sins forgiven through a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Tell us about a life-changing experience: If you don't believe in God after having a baby, there isn't much hope for you, because it is such an amazing miracle.
What is your dream job? Philanthropist — I'm only lacking one thing!

Giving Back to the Community
Law’s Custom Painting helps out regularly with the Yuba-Sutter Zero Tolerance Anti Graffiti Campaign (ZTag). This is a group of volunteers, citizens, and local law enforcement working together to help keep our community free of vandalizing graffiti.
Each week locations of recent graffiti are sent in. Usually on Saturdays, a team will go out and paint over the locations that have been reported. This is done at no cost to property owners, by volunteers using donated materials. ZTag’s theory is that if we can immediately deal with smaller scale crime (graffiti, vandalism, etc.) we can help dissuade more serious crime. That’s why our motto is “Taking Back the Neighborhood”.